Noisy shoes, great sounds as performed by Gene Kelly & Fred Astaire in movies such as ‘Singing in the Rain’. And of course the more current tapping of Tap Dogs. The Syncopated rhythmic dance style using both older and modern day music.
Southcoast Dance School follows the syllabus of ‘Australian Academy of Dance and Theatrics”.
Exams are offered but are optional.

Classical Ballet classes provide grounding in ballet positions and movement. It is an excellent class for self-discipline, poise, deportment, style and grace.
Southcoast Dance School follows the syllabus with ‘Australian Dance Vision’. Exams are encouraged but are optional.

Jazz is a commercial style of dancing that includes moves such as kicks, turns and jumps and is great of enhancing flexibility and fitness. classes start with a warm up of stretches and isolations, then moves to progression across the floor such as turns, kick and leaps. Finishing with a routine that builds each week.
Southcoast Dance School follows the syllabus of the "Australian Dance Vision". We offer both Exam Classes and Open Jazz Classes.

A creative dance form which combines strong technique with a sense of release. Students are encouraged to broaden their movement and body awareness. This style uses natural movement and use of the floor to encourage and expand awareness of shape, space and form.

Hip Hop
An innovative and up beat style of dance where students add their own style to choreography enhancing individuality. Classes are for both male and female.
Jazz option only available
Musical Theatre
If you like drama, singing and dancing this class provides you a strong base to explore all 3 styles through acting tasks and learning old and new songs.

We have Zumba classes for Teenagers to the mature adults. An amazing Latin based fitness/dance program that will see you laugh, dance and work out like never before.

PreSchool Dance
Dance movement is very special in so many ways for the little ones. A lovely class for your child to start their journey into the enjoyment of Dance. We use our Fairy Wings, Ribbons and Musical Instruments plus the wonderful world of imagination.
Girls – Southcoast Dance School T-Shirt, Leggings, Bike Shorts, Dance Skirt
with Leotard underneath, X- over, Black Jazz Shoes.
Boys – Southcoast Dance School T-Shirt, Black Shorts and Black Jazz
As above with bare feet, ballet shoes or foot undies
All – Leotard, Ballet Tights, Pink Ballet Shoes, Skirt and
Beginners and Primary - Pink Wide Strap Leotard,
pull up Full Skirt and Cross Over
Preparatory and Level 1-6
Jet Blue Wide Strap Leotard, Skirt and Black X-over
Jet Blue Wide Strap, Skirt and Black Cross-over
Demi Points and Point Shoes
**Primary-Majors: no skirt permitted for exams**
PreSchool Dance
Pink leotard, pull up full skirt, ballet tights and ballet shoes.
Tap Exams
Black Wide Strap Leotard, Black Skirt, Flesh Stockings, Black Tap Shoes
Senior and Adult Tap
Southcoast T-Shirt, Leggings, Shorts, Black Tap Shoes
Black tights/leggings, Southcoast T-Shirt, White Socks and Black Ballet
*No Boots, Jeans, Overalls, Dresses or School Uniforms to be worn to class
All classes, students must have their hair groomed neatly into a ponytail.,
Classical, hair must be groomed into a neat bun